Coaching, Consulting, and Mentorship
Daily Affirmation:
"I'm an asset to anything I'm involved in."
There are a ton of free resources online. From Google to 'YouTube University', you can learn any and everything that you have any interest in. And if you want information specifically curated for you, there are a ton of people online selling courses and workshops. If you can find a good one, those can be great resources to learn the information. But at FFI, we are trying to fill a void that is often left unaddressed. We don't want to just be another course that you pay for and never put any action behind. After you have the information, whether you paid for it, or received it free, and you're ready to take the next steps to executing your plans, too often those courses do not come with any one-on-one, or individual assistance/mentorship. We aim to not only help educate you, but to also fill that void and be the boots on the ground, if you will, on your investment journey.
With so much information available to you, in this day and age, it's not a lack of information that is the biggest hurdle to forward advancement; rather, it's analysis paralysis - there's often too much information to sift through and you're not sure what is correct, even after you're done sifting through it all. Let us do the sifting for you. That's why at FFI we practice what we preach. We won't tell you to do 'A', while we're secretly doing 'B'. We have either done it already or we go out and do it, and then show you the real results of doing it, in real time, so you can make the best decision for yourself. We can't teach you everything about investing because we don't do every kind of investing, but we can teach and share what we do, and what we've found to be successful through all our years of research and experience. And then you can decide if that's the life, or lifestyle, you'd like to have.
At FFI, we just want to help more people, especially beginners, GET STARTED! But if you're an investor who already invests in some capacity, we aim to help you become a better investor.
How we invest and make money won't be for everyone, but if there's one thing you can count on at FFI, it's that we won't get money and not tell you how we got it. The rest is up to you.
Success Stories: Members We've HelpedWhat You'll Learn:
- Learn the basics about stocks
- Learn the differences between stocks and options
- Create accounts for trading stocks and options
- Learn about retirement accounts (401Ks and IRAs)
- Learn what factors influence the stock market and how
- Learn how to identify good stocks to buy
- Learn the importance of when you buy stocks
- Learn the respective tax implications of buying and holding stocks compared to buying and selling stocks
- And so much more
Real Estate
- Learn the process of buying your first home and what to expect
- Learn some of the main ways people make money in real estate
- Learn how to find good properties
- Learn how to analyze rentals, and flips
- Learn how to estimate rehab costs
- Learn how to select contractors
- Learn how to get the money to finance your rehabs
- Learn the respective tax implications of selling and renting
- And so much more
Airbnb / STR & MTR
- Learn how to fully automate your Airbnb business
- Learn how to get 5-Star reviews every time and how to become a Superhost
- Learn the pros and cons of Airbnb rental arbitrage
- Learn how to analyze future income and profit potential
- Learn what materials & supplies you'll need to get started
- Learn what to do if a guest damages your property
- Learn what you need to consider before getting started
- Learn the best way to furnish your property and the best items to buy
- Learn how to price your property and pricing strategies for different scenarios
- And so much more
3 REAL Success Stories of Members We've Helped
Multi-Unit Married Couple (& Baby)
We recently helped a young married couple (w/ a newborn) figure out what updates to make to their rental property (a multi-unit property in Baltimore).
Prior to beginning the renovation, we provided an estimate of how much various updates would cost. We visited the property before and during the renovation to provide additional insight and help with some design decisions. This couple had already selected a contractor prior to engaging with us, but we provided one of our best contractors to help out with a few things at the property. We also provided education on how to find and properly screen tenants (what to look out for, general rules of thumb with regard to income, credit, criminal records, etc.). We went over the pros and cons of property managed vs. self-managed (including what software options there are and the good and bad features of the respective software). And finally, we covered what to include in their lease (how to word it, what's common, etc.). Both units were updated and rented out, bringing them more than double the mortgage every month.
Ms. House-Hacking Homeowner
We helped a young woman remodel the basement of her home and convert it into an apartment rental.
We taught her how to find a local contractor. We discussed what should be included in the scope of work & contract. We took extra care to go over what she should be on the lookout for when dealing with contractors and how to protect herself, her money, and her property from shady/crooked contractors and Uncle Sam. We dove into detail on what updates require a permit, and which updates would not require a permit. The basement was converted to a rental unit and rented out to help supplement her mortgage.

Ms. Do It All!
We helped this young woman with multiple properties over multiple years, and she's killing it! We can't take credit for what she's done because she's always been on her grind, but once we teamed up, things only got better from there. We're going to list some of her accomplishments and some of the things we've helped her with, because there's too much to list it all.
She has multiple rental properties in multiple states, she has purchased multiple new build properties in multiple states, and she also owns and runs a very successful Airbnb and is in the process of potentially acquiring another one.
We helped her from beginning to end with a family-owned property, which was almost lost to a tax sale. From beginning to end, we helped her decide that she should buy it, negotiate with family members in a fair and common sense approach, and take action to submit the offer. Then we helped her to fix up that property, looking over contracts and contractor bids. We visited the property when she got into a tight bind with contractors and we helped her navigate that process. After the renovations were complete, she sold the property for a very healthy profit.
We also assisted her in her decision making process and journey to Airbnb (pictured above). As she was shopping for a home, we helped her look over contractor bids and inspection reports regarding needed repairs and nice-to-have updates for a property she had under contract. Ultimately, we were able to help her avoid making a huge mistake by purchasing that property, which needed a ton of costly repairs and would not only cost her money and add stress, but more importantly, it would have cost her valuable time, as the market was starting to shift, and she could have gotten stuck. Fast forward, she purchased a different property, and now her Airbnb is absolutely gorgeous and very profitable. So profitable in fact, that she was able to move, and completely get out of the rat race of working for someone else. If you are planning a trip to Houston, we know a fantastic Airbnb that sleeps 16+ guests, which you should totally check out.
Investing Made Simple For The Everyday Person
One of our goals is to reduce and remove the barriers of entry to investing. Because investing is not taught equally, or at all, in schools and families across the country, a high percentage of people feel unequipped to invest, and they often want to invest, but have no idea where to start. We want to change that.
For many different reasons, real estate is one of - if not, the - best investments that exist. Real estate is expansive, so there are many ways to make money with properties, and it is also one of the most tax-advantaged investments, which means that it offers numerous tax benefits when held as an investment. There are other benefits of real estate, such as equity accumulation & principal pay-down, the ability to leverage your investment, and appreciation, just to name a few. But a key part of any investment strategy is diversifying your portfolio. That's why we also stress the importance of stocks and investing for retirement. At FFI we take a holistic approach to investing because we realize that it's not just about how much money you can make, more importantly, it's about how much money you can keep. Taxes, and tax advantaged investments are a key part of keeping as much of your hard earned money as you can.
The main barriers to entry are lack of education, lack of funds, and fear of the unknown when it comes to long-term investments. We directly address each of these in a number of ways. To begin with, we coach beginners who show the interest and eagerness to learn more, giving them direction on how to get started and basic investment principals. We also offer deeper hands-on mentorship for investors that may already have some level of investment experience, but are looking to have a reliable resource steering them along, that they can speak to or meet with as they take their investing journey to the next level. Beyond how to analyze properties, or stocks, to see if they would make good investments, we also use our connections and resources to help investors explore their options for financing their investment opportunities. And finally, we offer all the lessons learned over the years from the experiences we've been through, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly; so that our mentees have realistic expectations of not only what they can expect, but also of what to do if/when things don't go as planned. When dealing with mortgages upward of $1300, double figure stock portfolios, or home renovations $5,000+, don't make a mistake that could cost you months of wasted time and thousands of dollars in expenses because you were trying to save $300 on a mentor. That's pennywise and pound foolish.
None of this works without integrity, and that's why at FFI we put our money where our mouth is and we're completely transparent with our investments. When we make money, we talk about it so that others can see how possible and feasible it is. If we lose money, we teach about it so that others may learn from our mistakes in hopes that they don't have to make the same mistakes themselves.
Why Real Estate?
Investing in real estate is good portfolio diversification that offers a cash-flowing asset class. Chances are you already invest in stocks and bonds, either directly, through a 401K, through an IRA, or through other retirement accounts. We are huge proponents of stock investing, but diversification is important as well - not just within an asset class, such as stocks, but also between asset classes. This is where real estate comes in. The beauty of real estate, when compared to stocks and bonds, is that it combines the best of both worlds. Real estate offers high returns like stocks, and also offers low volatility like bonds.
Low volatility. Low return.
The long term average return for bonds is 5.4%, which is only 3.4% when adjusted for inflation.
High volatility. High return.
The long term average return for stocks is 10%, which is only 8% when adjusted for inflation.
The Hard Truth
Investing is mandatory. It's not an option. This is where most people go wrong. They treat it like it's an option, until they're ready to retire. We are not in the 1950s anymore. The majority of workers no longer have a pension, like they had back in the day. We are not in a time where you can work at a factory, purchase a single family home with a white-picket fence, and support a family of four on one income, then retire and grow old peacefully. You have to invest just to afford the basics now. That may be a rude wake-up call for some, but it needed to be said.
Let's be clear... The only option is where and how you will invest. And every day you wait to start, costs you thousands of dollars in potential investment earnings.
Because we live in a world of inflation, any money you keep in cash, or in a low-interest account declines in value each year. Investing is the best way to make your money grow, and unless you have an exceptionally high income, investing is the only way most people will ever have enough money to retire.
We've covered what this mentorship program is, so now let's cover what it's not.
We are not tax experts. We are not lawyers. We are not financial advisors.
We are simply an investment company that knows a little about a lot, and we have the experience to back it up. We are also very well-connected, so while we will not have the answer to every question that comes up, we can most certainly point you in the right direction, help you overcome your hardest hurdles, and connect you with someone who is qualified to answer your toughest questions in depth.
The #1 Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself
If you can spend $25/month on Starbucks...
If you can spend $40/month on that gym membership...
If you can spend $55/month on Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and Disney+...
If you can spend $70/month on takeout...
If you can spend $100/month on clothes...
If you can spend $130/month on cable...
Then you can spend invest in yourself every single month. Consider it self-care. It is necessary and ordinary.
Investing in yourself will go farther than any of those other expenses ever could dream of going because it's the only money that will bring back more than you put out. We want to be the best investment you make this year. And that's how we've built this program - no matter how much you invest in yourself, you always get more out than you put in. It's the one investment in this world that you can never lose. And, to be quite frank, if you don't understand how getting a mentor is investing in yourself, then it's going to be difficult for you to make money through investing because investing is more about your mindset, than it is about a dollar amount.
We're not saying any of the above purchases are wrong or that you need to stop buying any of it. But prioritize yourself! We spend a lot of money on things that only bring short-term satisfaction. Don't get caught up in doing what's easy. It's easy to spend money, it's harder to keep it. No one wants to do the hard work. We pay bills every month of our life from the age of 18 until we're very old. Why would you not pay yourself first!?
This mentorship program IS FOR:
- People with complex scenarios, or many questions about different topics. This is where most courses fail the masses.
- People that are in the home buying process for the first time and need an objective, highly educated, and well-connected third party to assist with finding a home, contractor, lender, realtor, title company, inspector, etc. Unlike a realtor or lender, we can give you 100% unbiased advice because we don't get paid when you buy/sell.
- People that don't have the time to do all the research on their own, and could really use some assistance.
- People that want to learn about personal finance (credit, budgeting, 401Ks, etc.).
- People that want one-on-one mentorship from someone with experience that currently and actively invests.
- People interested in starting their own business. Let's talk business strategies, such as pricing psychology, entity structure, and sales/marketing techniques.
- People interested in the tax strategies, loop-holes, and advantages.
- People in the middle of their first flip project, or about to purchase their first flip project, and would love to have a mentor that they can come to at any point with questions.
- For people that are tired of having the same resolution, to start investing, every year.
- People that hear a foreign language when they hear investment talk. We speak money fluently.
- People with kids or that want kids, so that they can teach their kids this same information. You can't teach something you don't know yourself.
- People with questions about cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and NFTs. We do more than just stocks and real estate.
- Realtors, contractors, lenders, etc... who would like to work with investors. We've built a community of investors that are serious about investing. If you can help them, it's a win-win-win for all parties involved.
- People that want to be surrounded, and network, with like-minded people.
This mentorship program is NOT for:
- Anyone looking to 'get rich quick'. Our methods of investing are focused on long-term wealth building.
- Anyone that looks at mentorship as an 'expense'. This is an investment in yourself. Knowledge is power. We could give you a million dollars right now, but if you don't know what to do with it, you will go broke eventually. Investing is more about mindset than it is about money.
- Anyone that wants a financial advisor. We do not give investment advice. We will not, and do not, tell you what you should invest in or where to put your money. We will transparently share what we invest in. We will help educate you on your options, and walk you through the process of investing in the options you select.
- Anyone that wants to be told what to do/buy.
- Anyone that's signing up just for the free giveaways and promotions. Those are for the people that find value alone in the mentorship.
- Anyone that wants a course. This offering is not a course. We may create a few courses in the future, but for now we aim to fill the void that a lot of courses leave.
- Anyone that expects all answers to be handed to them, or people who are sitting on their hands, expecting money to fall into their lap.
- Anyone that "can't" afford it. This is something that will pay for itself because once you apply the knowledge, you should go on to make thousands or even millions of dollars. But if you can't afford it, do not sign up. We provide a lot of free content, and still help people for free on our social media pages and in our free newsletter, so do not stretch yourself thin.
- Anyone with only one simple question. If you have one question and one question only, just shoot us a quick message and we'll try to help out as best we can.
- Anyone that doesn't want to help themselves. If this is you, please keep your money and don't sign up. We want to help people help themselves, not make money off people that could help themselves, but refuse to.
- Anyone trying to get something for nothing. Life doesn't work that way, buddy. Always make sure you bring something to the table.
Monthly Billing Options
(cancel anytime)
I want to save *20% with annual billing. Same exact plans, just *20% more affordable. Take me there.Essential Consulting
Most Affordable
- $5,600 Value! (16 sessions)
- 25% off ALL merch
- One FREE night stay at The Brick House (our Airbnb) per month
- Breaks down to the cost of one cup of coffee per day
- Billed monthly. Cancel anytime.
- 16 one-on-one coaching sessions (one coaching session per month & one check-in session per quarter)
- Access to the Financial Freedom Community & Membership site (in development)
- Unlimited email, chat, community, and messaging support
- Eligible for affiliate and referral marketing rewards
- Discounted member pricing for additional coaching sessions
- Members-only newsletter
- Use our network of contractors, realtors, title companies, CPAs, lenders, etc.
- Additional 10% discount for couples, friends, or business partners signing up at the same time, and the ability to use your session as a group session
- Option to schedule one in person session every month. Can be used for property tours (your own property, one of ours, or to help you evaluate a potential property)
Best for beginner investors that just want to get started on learning the basics. Best for first-time homebuyers that could benefit from unbiased / no self-interest advice. Also great for people who interact with investors on a regular basis, such as financial advisors, realtors, contractors, lenders, inspectors, and title companies as you will have inside access and be able to network with our community of investors.
Who is this for?
What is the refund policy?
Can I just find real estate tax and investing content online?
How does the referral bonus work?
What does each session include?
When should sessions be scheduled?
Do you give contractor recommendations?
What is the difference between the annual billing and monthly billing options?
Essential Consulting
Most Affordable
- Includes the exact same as the monthly plan, except more affordable!
- Breaks down to the cost of one greeting card per day
- Billed annually with a 20% discount vs monthly billing
Words From Our CEO
Investing is what I do. If you know me, I'm super passionate about it. The only reason I'm offering this mentorship program is because I charged myself to go build a way out of the rat race, and then come back to my community and show them how to do it.
Passive income is my thing - I don't want to work until I die. This mentorship program is aimed at condensing what I've learned in over ten years down into consumable content, that you can apply with me by your side. I want you to apply what you learn as you're learning it because if you wait until you know everything to act, then you'd never act. After all, we're always learning and that's how it should be. At the same time, it would not be beneficial to you, to just dump it all on you, pat you on the back, and say 'good luck'. I don't just want to teach you, I want to help you.
The mentorship plan you sign up for will largely dictate the amount of one-on-one sessions you receive, but if I had to set general expectations, for some of you, the first few months could be mostly learning, a lot of planning, and a little doing. The months after that are when you really start to notice the compound effects of putting all the information together as you carry out your plan of attack. We all come from different backgrounds, have different relationships with money & investing, and are at different places in our lives at the moment, so some of you will be ready to take the next step after only a couple of months, and for others, it may take almost a year. Run your race and don't compare yourself to others. I'll help you run your race, but your pace is up to you; I can't run it for you. This is a You vs. You thing. The focus is not to get rich quick, it's to get wealthy for sure. A little patience and discipline will save you a lot of money and go a long way. Plan to work, and then work the plan.
If you're asking yourself, 'Can I afford to do this?', then you're distracted with the wrong question. The real question is 'Can I afford not to?'
The best way to predict your future is to create it. If you finally want to learn how to invest in stocks or real estate, I've robbed you of your excuses, and I'm not sorry.
Now, let's get this money!